Have you dogified your home? Want to be on TV and get paid?

Want to be on TV and get paid? Have you changed your home in any way to make it more doggie? Anybody got doggie wallpaper, unusual adaptions like dog flaps? Little steps up to the sofa or the bed? They are prepared to pay! Please do pass it on to anyone who you think fits the brief.

Here's the message I've been asked to pass on...

.Looking for unusual home decor -(including for pets!) and their owners to be filmed for a TV ad job....'Charmingly eccentric' rooms/ interior design/or features for pets and their owners ...anything interior/exterior considered...an elaborate dog or cat flap,  animal-inspired decor, a themed pet room, a internal mural or on an end terrace etc...If you know of anyone please pass on or message samantha.carty@pulsefilms.co.uk with contact details and a photo of your creation. We are looking to find and short-list people in the next few days.

The filming is for 'idents' which will run throughout the year on The Home Channel which is part of UK TV. Participants would be paid for taking part in half a day's filming (likely during 3rd-8th January 2012). There is a fee offered to anyone who takes part.


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